In order to provide the most exciting sports photos of your athletes, New Leif Photography utilizes the most current technology - Green Screen technology. Biggest benefits, no more rain delay concerns and no more sun glares or squinting eyes. These photos are all done indoors in an controlled environment. Using this technology,
New Leif Photography can create unforgettable virtual images of your athletes that parents and athletes alike will love.
We can capture your team where they feel most comfortable – where they play. We have the flexibility to deal with changes, rain-outs, or whatever the situation may be.
New Leif Photography can create an amazing team image that gives your athletes the opportunity to feel like stars when they reveal their mind-blowing posters and banners to their community.
New Leif Photography create cutting-edge posters and banners that will set your team apart from all others. Our posters are perfect fundraising opportunities for your team; obtain sponsors, distribute around town, and sell them at games!
Check out this great video
New leif Photography, LLC
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